Not Wordless Wednesday: Edmonton Tornado Warning

I was finishing up a proposal for an ethics paper when Environment Canada issued a Tornado Warning. A warning is scarier than a watch because funnel clouds were spotted. I was going to post my Wordless Wednesday for today but I am too shaken to stay quiet. Surprised? Ha! Don’t be.

This isn’t my first rodeo. I have lived to tell the tale of many of prairie storm, including the bad one in July 87 where 23 people died from a direct result of that tornado. I remember Pine Lake and I have survived plow winds and flooding. Today had me nervous like the one in ’87.


My daughter was sent home early today – that was worrisome, the storm must be bad.

The Sky was green – also a bad sign.

The hail smashed my flowers – thankful I don’t need to eat my flowers, feeling bad for the farmers.

The wind was brutal – kept listening for the ‘freight train’ sound – luckily it never came in my neck of the woods.

Hunkered down in my basement with my kids, listening to the weather outside and on TV. None of it was hopeful. Yet all I could think was “I am glad I got my hill repeats in before the tornado.” HA! I must be a runner.


Then the rain and wind stopped. Twitter had a great lot of pics tagged #yegwx that showed off the storm. This is the not so Wordless Wednesday.


17 thoughts on “Not Wordless Wednesday: Edmonton Tornado Warning

  1. So glad you and your family are okay. As a person who grew up in Oklahoma, I can completely understand your thoughts and emotions. I am not sure I could complete anything wordless if that was in the sky! Great pics you found twitter. And so glad you got your runs in! 🙂

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